My husband and I sat at the beach in Pacific Grove, California, and watched the sky’s display before us. As if at the edge of a canvas, blue offered space to gold, fire-orange, and crimson as dusk whispered farewell to the light. The stillness took my breath away. The quiet grew calming.
Sunsets have always been my favorite part of the day. God says “Amen” to the work of the day. Sitting near the water enjoying the artwork of my Creator has called to the deepest part of me since the first time I experienced it.
The scene is a reminder of all God has done in the past. I sit with His wonders and let them wrap around my heart recalling struggles He’s carried me through. I’ve undergone times of health issues, financial questions, the deaths of loved ones, and still more health challenges. Memories are numerous of times He’s shown up when it seemed all was lost, or He taught me to wait on His leading.
Isaiah 46:9 says, “Remember the former things long past, For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is no one like Me.” Faith is often built on what God has done in the past.
One time, He brought healing.
The next time, He carried me through the illness.
One time, He provided food when we had none.
The next time, He opened my eyes to see that what I already had was enough.
One time, He provided a friend to talk to when my heart needed solace.
The next time, He showed me His presence and reminded me that He was enough.
God is consistent much like the setting of the sun.
But if I’m not careful, I can put God in a box expecting Him to do, respond, and act in exactly the same way as He has before
In a similar way to saying goodbye to one day, I must let go of the past to make way for the future. I can remember but not turn the memory into an idol. I need to release the good thing I grip tightly in my hand so I can open my hand to receive the greater blessings.
I need to leave what’s comfortable to make room for God to bring our relationship to new depths.
Where the sunset provides the chance to say goodbye to what was, the sunrise gives the opportunity to greet what is to come.
Isaiah 43:19 says, “Behold, I am going to do something new, Now it will spring up; Will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert.”
I can wake up to see the promise of the day before me with joy and hope.
God’s trustworthiness is key in the reality of whatever has happened and in the peace of His strength for what will occur. He was faithful in the past and He will always be the same in the future because He is sovereign.
He carried me. He carries me. He will carry me.
He strengthened me. He strengthens me. He will strengthen me.
How He does those things may simply not always look the same.
But the same God who gives rest at sunset gives hope at sunrise.
“The LORD’S acts of mercy indeed do not end, For His compassions do not fail. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23
I love the imagery here. Thank you for sharing
Thank you for stopping by and commenting, Jane. I appreciate it. I’m glad you enjoyed it.
This is a beautiful reminder that God will always carry us. Blessings
Blessings on you as well, my friend. Yes, God will always carry us. He might carry us in His arms one day, on His shoulders the next, and on His back the following day, but He will always carry us. Take care.
Beautifully written & such truth ✝️ What a blessing that we can always count on Him to carry us, strengthen us, and just be there
Susan, I never thought of looking at a sunset as an “Amen”
I agree, Carol. Counting on God is one of our greatest blessings. I’m glad the “Amen” gave you reason to ponder. Blessings to you as well.
Such wisdom, truth and encouragement here. Thank you for sharing this, Susan. Trusting God with you for the ways He faithfully leads, guides, heals and provides for us. There always seems to be something new to entrust to Him. His ways are not our ways, but His ways are always the best. Thank you for the reminder about the various ways He works.
Thank you, Sally. I love every word you shared here. I’m also glad we can trust God together will all He’s entrusted to us. Yes, His ways are best for sure.
saiah 43:19 says, “Behold, I am going to do something new, Now it will spring up; Will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert.”
Praise God – He is always doing something new – He is never out of ideas. When I am at my end, He always makes a way. Yes, Lord I want to be aware of what You are doing. Help us all to watch eagerly for what You are doing.
Amen, Liane. I pray that prayer with you. Thank you for commenting. God bless.
Exactly where I am right now. Saying goodbye to the past to embrace the future. I don’t want to do either. But God can give me the desire to press through the pain into a new season. Loved this hope inspiring thought: “But the same God who gives rest at sunset gives hope at sunrise.”
I’m praying for you, my friend, in the adventurous change God is carrying you through. Thank you for taking the time to comment. I appreciate you.