What Do I Give God?

Malls, craft fairs, web stores, and many other places are busy with people either trying to find the perfect gift for someone they love or looking for something to add to their own wish list. Online retailers make hopeful promises that orders will arrive in time for the Christmas celebration.

Most of us know that it’s better, and more fun, to give than to receive. The smiles and laughter when a present are opened is worth the time spent searching. It’s great to receive presents. My daughter-in-law pays attention all throughout the year and has a wonderful way of finding just the right present for those she buys for.

One of my favorite Christmas memories involves sitting behind the tree with two of my brothers as we whispered seasonal songs while trying not to wake our parents. Though we didn’t know it at the time, that memory is a precious gift to me these many years later since both of those boys are together in heaven.

For me, a wonderful gift is time with those I love. I enjoy table games. Anytime someone will sit down and play a game while we visit is very special.

The Gift God gave is precious. He sent His Son as a baby to a young couple who had no other place to welcome Him except a stable. It still brings a sense of awe to my heart at the amazing love and sacrifice this took. We celebrate His birth at Christmas. As we give each other gifts, we remember the best Gift we will ever receive.

But I’ve been thinking about what gift God might like this Christmas season and have come up with a few:

Self-I gave Him my heart when I was a little five-year-old. I asked Him to be my Lord at the age of 21. But it is an everyday decision to give myself to Him fully and completely.

Worship-My heart is His home. Yet at times, I give my devotion to other things and people more than I do to Him. He is the only One who deserves or is worthy of my heartfelt worship.

Love-The Bible says “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind.” (Luke 10:27 Christian Standard Bible) There’s not any part of my being missing in that list. He wants all of my love with nothing left out.

Awe-Reverence, admiration, and respect are what God is due. But wonder and amazement are part of it as well. When I stop to think how the Creator of everything and everyone, the One who is Lord and King over all, the One who has always been and always will be, the One who is never changing, love me and cares what I go through, I cannot help but be amazed and in complete wonder of Him.

Relationship-I think the best thing I can give God is to focus on my relationship with Him as He does. Any relationship takes time and effort on the part of both people involved. God never takes a break from the connection we share. He thinks about me more than I can imagine (Psalm 139). I can spend time with Him in prayer, read His word, connect with other believers, and bring my concerns to Him, and help others He brings into my life. These are all ways to grow in that wonderful relational bond with Him.

This Christmas season, I want to focus on what I give God on a daily basis not only for December but all year through. I hope and pray that you have a blessed Christmas and that you are able to spend some time thinking about what gift you might want to give God this year.

Merry Christmas.


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