The First Gift of Christmas

This year, the hope of Christmas is especially important. So many things have happened that could rob our joy, laughter, peace, and compassion. I’ve heard of several people who decided to go back to sending Christmas cards in order to reach out to those they love. Someone else told me they decided to be a “bell-ringer” for the first time just to try and lift their spirits.

My parents, as well as others living in care facilities, are not able to connect with family and friends. Such a lonely time when they’re already somewhat isolated.

The unusualness of this season may weigh heavy on hearts.

These thoughts spread through my mind and attempted to wind into my being until another reality broke off and charted a different course.

The promise that came with Christ hasn’t changed. His birth ushered in hope from the time of the prophecy in Isaiah 7:14 and Micah 5:2.

The love of God hasn’t changed. God’s plan to show us the extent of His love is seen in many verses like Psalm 139:17-18, John 3:16, and Romans 8:38-39.

The gift of peace hasn’t changed. Christ paid the highest price so we could experience peace in and from and with God as we read in many verses. John 16:33, 1 Peter 5:7, Romans 5:1.

We know of God’s gift of His Son through whom we can personally know His hope, love, and peace during whatever season we live in.

But there’s another gift we may not have considered.

We’re often thankful for all the blessings God gives us.

Strength, comfort, forgiveness.

Homes, family, friends, jobs, food.

Freedom, church, connection, health.

But not everyone has the same circumstances. Are we missing out if we don’t have one of those?

It depends on how we look at blessings.

God bestows different gifts on people. He graces individuals with varying strengths for their specific situation. He does this because He knows what’s best for those He loves.

But there’s another aspect to God’s wonderful gifts.

God Himself.

When I was a child, there was a man who often favored my sister with donuts. In fact, she called him “the donut man.” He generously gave her what she loved. She knew him because of the gifts he gave her.

Is it possible we relate to God in the same way? He provides hope, love, peace, food, jobs, clothing among other gifts.

Yet, God is much more than what He gives.

He is Infinite. (Colossians 1:17) We never need to worry that He will die or somehow come to the end of Himself.

He is Unchanging. (Malachi 3:6) His word is true and trustworthy because He cannot lie. (Numbers 23:19)

He is Omnipotent (Psalm 33:6). Nothing is greater or more powerful than He is.

He is Faithful and True (Deuteronomy 7:9). He will do what He says He will do.

He is Holy (Revelation 4:8, Matthew 5:48). His ways and plan are always pure and right.

He is Good (Exodus 34:6, Psalm 145:9). We can trust Him completely because of His graciousness (Romans 8:28-29).

In His perfect character, God offered us the gift of eternal life with Him

-which He did in the sending of His Son to be placed in the womb of a woman who would bear Him

-which He did in providing the Way to come to Him through His Son’s death on the cross

-which He did in raising Christ from the dead and offering that same power to those of us who walk in relationship with Him

-which He did by promising us blessings both now and through all eternity.

God’s character never has changed and it never will. The same Gift He gave those many years ago, is still dwelling in us as we learn to know and love who He is.

God is, and always will be, our greatest Gift to celebrate during the Christmas season and the whole year through.



Photo credit: Unsplash-Pro-church Media


  1. Yes, we often look at blessings the wrong way. God is our greatest blessing, and since He knows what is ultimately best for us, even challenging situations can be a blessing to us. Thanks Susan! I love all the scripture you used, and I love the links that just immediately bring the verse up. Thanks for the encouragement this Christmas. God bless you, my friend!

    1. Author

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Sally. Merry Christmas, and may God continue to bless you with the relationship you share with Him.

  2. Thank you, Susan. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

    1. Author

      Thank you for stopping by, Jodi. Merry Christmas to you and yours as well.

  3. I appreciate the reminder of this one—- He is Unchanging. (Malachi 3:6) His word is true and trustworthy because He cannot lie. (Numbers 23:19)

    Yes, thank you for all the verses. God is always good, which is very hard to fathom at Christmas time when loved ones have chosen another path. But God is always good and we can always trust in HIM!!
    Merry CHRISTmas Susan!!

    1. Author

      Merry CHRISTmas to you as well, Tracy. Thank you for sharing your thoughts here. I appreciate you.

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