What’s Ruling You?


Every year, before Christmas, I spend time reading the prophecies of Christ’s coming and the gospel accounts of His birth. I love to think about all of it. I love the way the truth of the season is threaded through the Old Testament and the New. I like to make notes of little tidbits of grace or wisdom that God highlights for me.

This year, as I’ve focused on God’s amazing love, a verse I don’t usually consider at this time of year has danced across my thoughts. Galatians 4:4 says, “But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law.” (New King James Version)

I memorized this verse many years ago, and it has often crossed my mind. I’ve been pondering what this really means. The wonder of the Christmas story is that Jesus, fully God, was born of a human woman. I hope this always blows my mind. To think, He put Himself into the finite body of a young girl and allowed Himself to be born and cared for as a helpless infant.

But then there’s the second part of that verse. He was born under the law. Galatians 4 goes on to tell us He did this so we could be adopted as His own.

It also says He came to redeem those who are under the law. He came “under the law” to get us out from “under the law.”

At that time, Rome was the ruling power, and it had a tight hold over people. When the Jewish people read the prophecies about the birth of the Messiah, they focused on this. They wanted out from under the restrictions placed on them by Roman rule. They wanted a new king. Yes, Jesus came to free them from the domination they lived under, but not in the way they’d hoped.

But God …

(Don’t you just love those two words?)

had a greater purpose. He sent Jesus so we didn’t have to live under the power of the law. Jesus was the New Covenant between God and people. Jewish law had also become impacted by legalities created by men.

Jesus came to free them and everyone else from the oppression we allow or that is around us.

He came to give us freedom to

-be who He made us to be

-live in His power and victory over whatever holds us back

-live in God’s truth rather than under lies and fears which keep us stifled

-discover who He is and how much He loves us

-comprehend how much He wants us to love Him

-let His light shine out of us

-have the Holy Spirit live in us every day on a personal level

-to enjoy and thrive in the gift of being His very own.

Because of the birth of this little baby, who was born of a woman and raised to follow the laws of that time, I never have to live chained to anything.

I don’t have to buy into the lies of the devil when he whispers that I am unlovable.

I no longer need to remain under the weight of self-doubt.

Fear has no power over me because Jesus removed its power to rule.

This Christmas, I will rejoice in Christ’s righteousness which He offered to me through His coming.

I pray that today, you will be able to spend some time pondering the wonder of this season, and releasing whatever is trying to maintain rule over you. Remind the devil you belong to Christ by speaking the truth of God’s love. Jesus came so you could be His child.

Ponder that awhile, and be amazed.



Photo Credit: Unsplash-Pro Church Media

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