Excitement? Trepidation? What is this spinning inside? The date for a new Bible study at a different church loomed ahead. Because of the last time I’d ventured into a new space like this,Read More

I stood against the wall watching women greet each other, chat a moment, and sit together continuing their conversation. I told myself I could do this—go into a new group and make friends.Read More

The woman was sweet-natured, giving, loved by so many who met her, efficient in what she did, and had a good business. But fear threatened to snuff out the gifts and abilities inRead More

  Every year, before Christmas, I spend time reading the prophecies of Christ’s coming and the gospel accounts of His birth. I love to think about all of it. I love the wayRead More

I used to love winter. Anticipation grew as leaves turned to colors of amber, terracotta, burnt orange, and umber. Trees would lose their coverings and soon the whiteness would fall covering the groundRead More

The tingles began around my heart, moved down my body, flowed through my legs, and right out my toes. The lightness that wrapped around my heart came from only one Source. God andRead More

My husband pulled the car into the church parking lot. I said something. He responded. I started feeling edgy. He doesn’t want to be here, and neither do I. Complaints started rising inRead More

I woke up disturbed. The dreams I’d fought all night now eluded me. Everything inside churned. My heartbeat like a bass drum—slow, deep, hollow. My thoughts searched for a quiet place to land.Read More

There are so many new names now … names that weren’t often heard when I was a kid. There are names that have stood the test of time like Mary or Bob orRead More

When my son was a baby, while on his back, he could hold his legs up at a 30-degree angle for many minutes.   Another time, I saw a toddler go from beingRead More